Synthesizing Global Strategies: Fostering Sustainable Development in a Dynamic World


Sujay Sanjith  – Chair

Hey guys, my name is Sujay Sanjith and I am the Head Chair of UNIDO. I’ve found debating and public speaking as quite a hobby over the past 2 years and it’s made my life that much more interesting. I love playing badminton in my free time and other than that I’m just a 16 year old who loves meeting new people. I greatly look forward to making this conference as memorable as possible.

Judy Zakaria  – Co Chair

I’m delighted to be your UNIDO co-chair. I’m very pleased to accompany you on this incredible journey. Throughout the conference, we will work together to ensure that every delegate feels respected, supported, and included. I’ll be there to guide you through the entire process. Let’s work together to make this an unforgettable experience. 


Topic 1: Accelerating the creation of sustainable industrial development

Topic 2: Sustainable Agriculture and Climate-Resilient Food Systems: Enhancing Agricultural Practices, Ensuring Food Security, and Mitigating Climate Change